Extremity Adjusting
Many Chiropractors strictly focus on the spine for ailments that are affecting the body. Furthermore, you might be surprised to hear that there are providers that only focus on the top three bones of the spine, the Occiput, Atlas, and Axis. In Chiropractic, practitioners apply adjustments to areas or segments for the sole purpose of restoring movement and effecting the physiology of the body. I never question the technique or the application of manipulations. In fact, I am usually excited to hear that individuals are getting adjusted, and from doctors that are providing results.
In my education, I was always drawn to the importance that the extremities played in the motion of the body. We are bipedal, meaning that we walk on two appendages for locomotion. Each step that strikes the floor has to optimally transfer the forces throughout the body. If there is a disconnect or misalignment in any region, the effects can be seen in and throughout the body. Therefore, it is important in my care for patients, to assess the regions that work for two thirds of their lives. 
Let’s examine the upper extremities. Without realizing it, we utilize our arms and hands in just about every facet of daily lives. We reach, grab, carry, and push throughout the entire day in our lives. Why is it inconceivable to assess the function of the upper extremity when caring for the neck or upper back? Recently, I have had the pleasure of helping many individuals that were experiencing pain that surprisingly arose from the structures of the arm. By targeting the structures that impact the region, we have been able to return many patients back to their day to day activities.
In 2017, more individuals are becoming active, embracing activities to live better, feel better, and move better. In some instances, injuries occur. Pain, inflammation and restricted movement is the terrible triad that typically present following an injury. Just like in the back, pain felt by the pressure of inflammation is exacerbated in the extremities. By having the training to assess and address the injured region, we are able to return the patient to activity in a short amount of time. We take a full body approach, looking at the body in the same fashion an architect looks at a building. Noting the compensation and the cause of the issue and re-establish strength, range of motion, and function.
With a comprehensive evaluation of the extremities, many problems can be noted before becoming chronic conditions. If you’re experiencing ailments that are affecting your daily activities, I encourage you to find a chiropractor that can take a conservative approach to recovery. Until next time, Live Healthy and Well.