At one time or another, all of us have suffered and injury that we struggle to recover from. Outside of fractured bones, most injuries involve soft tissue structures and increased inflammation. In some situations, they begin to heal on their own. In other instances, assistance is needed from a trained professional to initiate the healing process. But what if they could speed up the process? Maybe there is a game you want to participate or activities that you need to be at your best; you may be able to return to those much sooner.
In the office, I see many individuals that are suffering from the effects of injuries. Whether those effects are inflammation, tears, adhesions or spasms, chiropractors are specially trained in dealing with the soft tissue injuries. We attack those injuries by addressing misalignments and restoring the joints to their proper position. Additionally, by applying modalities in conjunction with adjustments, the patient quickly returns back to their activities of daily living.
In the following Blog Posts, I would like to discuss the use of each modality and the importance of its use. We want to explore the pros and cons for each modality. We want you to be an informed patient, understanding the care you receive and the purpose for its use. Look forward to discuss these with you.
Yours in Health,
Dr. Chad Folk, DC